The following link leads to my genius hour progress report. If you have trouble seeing it, please comment below. Thank you.
I also apologize for the delayed post: I didn't realize that my device wasn't loading in the past when I tried to post it.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Friday, 30 November 2012
Today, we had a substitude because Ms Lees wasn't here. Today was a very relaxing class for me because we watched a movie about The Crusades and The Middle Ages. We watched it for the whole block and all of us took notes on the movie, something interesting about it and about something we have never known before. But we didn't get to finish the movie. It was getting pretty exciting when we had to change blocks. Too bad so sad.
Learning Intentions
We watched a movie, but it wasn't a normal movie, it was a movie about The Middle Ages which is related to our PATHWAYS history textbook. I think Ms Lees wanted us to watch that particular movie so we could find out more facts about the middle ages. But I think she wanted to give us a "resting block" at the same time. Also, the notes that we took had some very interesting facts in it about the middle ages. We could use the notes for further references as well.
From watching the movie, I learned bunch of things about the middle Ages. How there were Castles, Palaces, and even small villages in one empire. Also, since the movie had King Arthur in it, the round table with all the knights were interesting to me. Their different types of armors, shields, swords, helmets,... even their horses had armors, too!
Homework Reminders
We need to work on our Genius Hours and we have to finish our peer review feedback. Read your novels if you haven't already. HACE must be finished today. Respond to our Australian blogging buddies and BRING 4 1 L MILK JUGS ON MONDAY. See Ms Lees Blog for details.
Homework Tips
If you need help on any of your homeworks, you can always go to Ms Lees' Blog and comment on the posts there.
Today, we had a substitude because Ms Lees wasn't here. Today was a very relaxing class for me because we watched a movie about The Crusades and The Middle Ages. We watched it for the whole block and all of us took notes on the movie, something interesting about it and about something we have never known before. But we didn't get to finish the movie. It was getting pretty exciting when we had to change blocks. Too bad so sad.
Learning Intentions
We watched a movie, but it wasn't a normal movie, it was a movie about The Middle Ages which is related to our PATHWAYS history textbook. I think Ms Lees wanted us to watch that particular movie so we could find out more facts about the middle ages. But I think she wanted to give us a "resting block" at the same time. Also, the notes that we took had some very interesting facts in it about the middle ages. We could use the notes for further references as well.
From watching the movie, I learned bunch of things about the middle Ages. How there were Castles, Palaces, and even small villages in one empire. Also, since the movie had King Arthur in it, the round table with all the knights were interesting to me. Their different types of armors, shields, swords, helmets,... even their horses had armors, too!
Homework Reminders
We need to work on our Genius Hours and we have to finish our peer review feedback. Read your novels if you haven't already. HACE must be finished today. Respond to our Australian blogging buddies and BRING 4 1 L MILK JUGS ON MONDAY. See Ms Lees Blog for details.
Homework Tips
If you need help on any of your homeworks, you can always go to Ms Lees' Blog and comment on the posts there.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
The Mak App
Kasey and Sapeeda
Hi our names are kasey and sapeeda and we are creating a Mac and cheese app. About our app: Well basically we are creating an apple app filled with tons of different Mac and cheese recipes we have 99 different recipes and came up with cool funky names for each and everyone of them. What made us think of this app? to this idea when our lovely teacher ms Lees declined our first idea we had to resort to this idea. When my helpful partner kasey thought then maybe we should make a funny joke app but that sounded like to much work so we both spent days thinking up a new idea when all of a sudden kasey thought maybe we should do a Mac and cheese app and that’s how the idea was born. Why did this idea appeal to us? This idea apealed to us because we both wanted to make an app and we both love Mac and cheese so we both loved the idea. What are the skills we are using? Well the skills we are using are our developing our tech skills and by creating this app we are also developing our technology skills what is the content of the app? The content of this app is that it has about 99-101 recipes all with very original funky names. Where are we at now? Right now we are in the midst of creating our app in fact we have almost finished creating our app it is called the Mac app. We also have created a twitter account @makappgirls and an email and please email us for any suggestion or more feed. Thank you for your time we hope to have our app up soon
Genius Hour Projects
Expanding and improving upon the drop-off/pick-up & parking area zone
Hi, Emily and Maya here, and our Genius hour project is about improving the school’s drop-off/pick-up area along with adding more parking space. The reason for this project is that in the mornings and afterschool, there is a least a 10 minute wait in front of the school to be dropped off or picked up (for the students) by the parents waiting in a line –up in their cars. There is also very little parking space, and this is due to the fact that our school is made for about 1000 students, and currently, we have 1500 students, increasing the school’s desired population by a quarter the amount, and decreasing the amount of space for cars and pedestrians (children) to be able to arrive at school.
Our intentions are to expand the front lanes at the front entrance of the drop-off area, and to add another section for parking, so that the drop-off/pick up area will be more organized, as well as allowing students to arrive to school on time.
This project appealed to us from our own experience of being late or at risk of being late to class, as well as our peers. This is a problem throughout all the grades in our school that cannot be tolerated anymore. Teachers have gone so far as to no longer blame the traffic for the students’ lateness, but have taken to saying that the traffic in front of the school is inevitable, and should always be taken into consideration when coming to school. Do you also have problems with your school’s drop-off area, for example, no parking for cars or traffic in the mornings or afterschool?
For presenting our project we are going have a presentation on imovie (a program similar to powerpoint for making slideshows but it revolves more around video and audio) as well as a small speech that we will give during the video to stress out our points and explain information during the slideshow. For the imovie presentation we have interviewed parents, teachers, and students and asked them a few questions on their opinion of the school’s current drop off/pick up area and parking situation. We have gathered information from the students, but not yet from the teachers and parents. However, we already have the imovie and speeches all planned out, and we still would like to add in a map of our to-be-improved school drop off/pick up area as well as where we would have added in additional parking space.
So, in short, we currently have all of our information and planning finished, now we must finalize our good copies that we will present.
Genius hour in general is a free-reigned project that students can come up with independently. It can be about anything that they have an interest in or about something they would like to find out whether the teacher will give them an option, a theme, a smaller topic that they can choose an idea from, or they can brainstorm the idea on their own. This project allows students that want to learn about something (topic) that they have an interest in so they can learn about it through the process of completing the project.
After reading our intentions/motives/progress, is there anything that you’d like to comment about our presentation? Perhaps, things we should add in to improve and to pinpoint the details in our project all the more? Any feedback? Please let us know! :)
Thank you!
Sincerely, Emily & Maya
the Firehawk Gazette
Genious Hour
Hello, this is how far we are at our slideshow right now. Not finished yet so please give us some feedback.
The Truth about Chemotherapy
What is our project about?
project is about understanding chemotherapy, and figuring out how it works. As
well as the process, how it benefits cancer, the side effects, what is cancer.
We are hoping that our project will inform people about chemotherapy and how it
Why did it appeal to us?
topic appealed to us because it fit with our criteria well. We had some trouble
finding a topic that we both liked and that we meet the criteria. This topic
was also interesting and a lot of people in our class were wondering about the
same topic. However nobody else chose this topic.
Where are we right now?
now we are working on the PowerPoint that will explain chemotherapy. We are
also about a couple days away for presenting to the class. But first we need to
do peer feedback, and practice presenting it.
you think our questions are explaining the topic well?
you think our information is related to the topic/headings?
presenting our information on a PowerPoint a good way to share our project?
our information well organized, is it easy to understand?
Genius Hour Progress
Here is our progress so far on our Genius Hour projects. If possible could you please give feedback.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Already improving!
I can see improvement already in the details of your learning blog posts - keep up the good work. Some of you still need to work on avoiding the vague and general language. One way to help with this is to provide clear examples after the general statements. I am also seeing more hyperlinks - good job. Keep it up Oompaloompas!
During the double block session today, we
got into our genius hour groups to work on our Genius Hour projects. For Genius
hour projects, we looked over our plans, and started working on our PowerPoint,
I-movies, or posters.
From doing Genius Hour
projects, we can learn about whatever what you are researching on, improving our
presentation skills by presenting our projects, improving our teamwork
collaboration, and our planning skills.
I think doing Genius Hour
Projects are important to us by improving our presentation skills which is
needed in the future for other presentations, plays, and skits. It can also improve
our planning skill which is needed for our future projects. Team collaboration
is needed for group projects.
Homework Reminders
Our homework for today
was to get further for our novels, and work on our genius hour projects, which
are due in two weeks. Also you must finish your novel within less than two
For our genius hour
projects, you should let your friend or other peers to proofread it and let the
Ms. Lees edit it too. Also you need to get feedback from 3 -5 peers.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Group Posting
Today, Ms Lees put up her projector and she typed some helpful suggestions for our group posts on the big projector screen. As we discussed together, she explained to us how we should write our posts. She also explained to us that we can improve by checking other posts on different blogs. Then she also asked us what we think a good post is supposed to be and what bad posts are. To work on that, we all moved in the computer lab. Ms Lees handed us these worksheets with a general understanding of what our posts should contain. In the other side, she wrote ratings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for posts and told us to go online, visit some group blogs which was found in Ms Lees Blog, and give criteria for each ratings. She allowed us to work with a partner from our group posting blog. Then after that, it was all work block and we left for lunch, after finishing the sheet.
Learning Intentions
We learned so much about our posting. Ms Lees explained to us what a great post was, how it should be done and what bad posts are. Since we went to different group blogs and rated how good or bad the 5,4,3,2,1 posts should be for ourselves, we have a way better understanding about how to make our own posts good. This was a lot of help for us now that we know how to post better and improve on certain parts. Now that we have the group posting criteria sheet, it is easier for us to post and also, to do a way better job on it!
I think what we learned today will help us write better, being specific and detailed in our paragraphs. Also, we can take a look at other people's writings and learn from them as well. As Ms Lees said, when we share our work with other people, we want to make it as best as possible and we are really excited for it, too. We want to make it as perfect as possible. Therefore, we look at other people's work, get suggestion from them, try to use a thesaurus and be lots more detailed!
Homework Reminders
The worksheet about post ratings should have been finished today, so I guess for people who finished, they don't have to do that. We should check Ms Lees's Blog alot and look at all the new updates. AND YOU MUST FINISH READING YOUR NOVELS WITHIN 2 WEEKS.
Homework Tips
If you want to improve on your writings, you can google certain parts of your writing and get more and more ideas. So the next time you write, your writings will be so much improved, detailed, and of course, creative! Also when you post, make sure there are no grammar or spelling errors. Try to be neat and perfect. When you read your novels, try ti stop each chapter or two and summarize it in your head to get a clear understanding of what's going on in the story. You are free to write them down in your notebooks too!
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
What We Did In Class Today
At the beginning of class today, we took our seats in our novel groups as usual. We all resumed with reading our novels, and a few people acutally traded theirs for a different one once they were finished. We read our books in silence for quite a while, until Ms. Lees told us to put them away. Then, she showed us a video: to help us transform our FH Learn blogs even further, into our ePortfolios.She explained very thoroughly on how to set this all up, and she even showed us how to do it. We were then allowed to pair up or get into a group of 3, and do so one by one. But, we were having quite a few problems. Since we all wanted to go on the same website at the same time, it didn't work properly. Once we did what we could, it was nearing the end of class, so we logged out of the laptops, and left for our next class.
Today, we learned new skills on our FH Learn blogs, including how to set-up our headings and sub-headings. I think we did this so that our blogs would be more organized by the end of the year and nicely put into categories, since we will probably also be using our ePortfolios for other things as well. It would be much easier than having all our work mixed up into one giant category, and not being able to find any previous work with ease.
I think the skills I learned today in Humanities will be useful in other classes too, because maybe they will require me to post something or keep track of something on my ePortfolio with ease because of the categories. I may also want to blog on my own time, and the skills i have learned would come in handy.
All that was for homework today (due tomorrow), was finishing making the headings and sub-headings for your FH Learn blog/ePortfolio. The labels for them can be found on the home page of Ms. Lee's blog:
To help you complete the homework with ease, please refer to Ms. Lee's blog (linked above^). She has put many links and tips for completing the homework that are very helpful and will allow you to finish sucessfully. Also, don't forget about the Pathways notes. Those need to be finished sooner than later...
Read your novels in your spare time as well!!!
That's all for today ;)
At the beginning of class today, we took our seats in our novel groups as usual. We all resumed with reading our novels, and a few people acutally traded theirs for a different one once they were finished. We read our books in silence for quite a while, until Ms. Lees told us to put them away. Then, she showed us a video: to help us transform our FH Learn blogs even further, into our ePortfolios.She explained very thoroughly on how to set this all up, and she even showed us how to do it. We were then allowed to pair up or get into a group of 3, and do so one by one. But, we were having quite a few problems. Since we all wanted to go on the same website at the same time, it didn't work properly. Once we did what we could, it was nearing the end of class, so we logged out of the laptops, and left for our next class.
Today, we learned new skills on our FH Learn blogs, including how to set-up our headings and sub-headings. I think we did this so that our blogs would be more organized by the end of the year and nicely put into categories, since we will probably also be using our ePortfolios for other things as well. It would be much easier than having all our work mixed up into one giant category, and not being able to find any previous work with ease.
I think the skills I learned today in Humanities will be useful in other classes too, because maybe they will require me to post something or keep track of something on my ePortfolio with ease because of the categories. I may also want to blog on my own time, and the skills i have learned would come in handy.
All that was for homework today (due tomorrow), was finishing making the headings and sub-headings for your FH Learn blog/ePortfolio. The labels for them can be found on the home page of Ms. Lee's blog:
To help you complete the homework with ease, please refer to Ms. Lee's blog (linked above^). She has put many links and tips for completing the homework that are very helpful and will allow you to finish sucessfully. Also, don't forget about the Pathways notes. Those need to be finished sooner than later...
Read your novels in your spare time as well!!!
That's all for today ;)
Wednesday, November 7, 2012 Learning Blog Post
What we did in class today
For the first about 15-20 minutes we began our class in our Novel Study book group, where we spent this time doing silent reading for our Novel Studies. After reading the books that we were previously assigned to, the laptops (MacBooks) were brought in and we partnered up in groups of 2-3, and we were to create e-portfolios using our Fhlearn blogs, and make a new page for Humanities and subcategories there. We watched a video that explained how to do so as well. This lasted until the end of the class.
The purpose of doing the e-portfolios today was to know where to keep our assignments if we believe that there was a chance of loosing them-we could post it on the blog. Also, this will keep us more organized for future projects and planning.
I think the skills we learned today will possible benefit us in the future by, for instance, if we have another class that requires us to do the same skills we learned today, or if we make our own WordPress accounts. Also, the silent reading helped us get further in our books, so that we won't get too far behind (if we didn't read it in our own time) at the last minute.
Today's homework was to create pages and menus for our e-portfolios. If you forget how to do so, go onto Lees Hum 8 and follow this link. Also, we need to complete the note taking for Pathways as soon as we can, and we need to continue working on our Genius Hour projects. We also need to read our novels, and try to complete them in about 2 weeks.
If you need help with homework, I suggest asking Ms.Lees or another classmate or going on the blog for help, especially for technical issues. Also, I suggest reading the novel and doing Genius hour (and don't forget to log your progress!) as well, even though these do not have a due date. This will make sure that you don't have to push all your work to the last minute.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Today in class we got into our novel study group to talk about what we think we are going to learn. For example, what the religion of the people in the book, how they live meaning what they eat, their typical day and why they did that. With the information our groups came up with we made a web and handed them in to Ms. Lees. Also after we finished with our webs we got into our groups for our group blogs. We worked on a work sheet that was about how our group thinks we are doing with our blog and decide as a group what we were good at and what we wanted to improve on. We were also told that if we have not finished our notes we had to come in at flex tomorrow to work on it. we were also givin the opertonity to sign out one of the Pathways text books.WHY WE DID THIS
I think we got into our novel study groups to talk about thye book because it will help with the social study part of Humanaties. It also is cool because we by reading the book and discusing it together will help us learn about what it was like in that time and place. I think it was also to peak our intressed in the book so we have more fun reading it and by drawing the web it helped us develope stratagies on working with others and web drawing. I think that we completed the work sheet in our blog groups because us deciding as a group what we need to improve on and what we are doing will help us with our blogging skills. Sometimes discusing with a group will help you notice mistakes that you did not see yourself.HOMEWORK
Today our only homework is complete your notes that we were working on in class. In case you are not done yet you can sign out a Pathways text book or come into flex tomorrow.
Flex tomorrow is at eleven twenty in Ms. Lees room if you need extra help. That's all for tonight :p
Today in class we got into our novel study group to talk about what we think we are going to learn. For example, what the religion of the people in the book, how they live meaning what they eat, their typical day and why they did that. With the information our groups came up with we made a web and handed them in to Ms. Lees. Also after we finished with our webs we got into our groups for our group blogs. We worked on a work sheet that was about how our group thinks we are doing with our blog and decide as a group what we were good at and what we wanted to improve on. We were also told that if we have not finished our notes we had to come in at flex tomorrow to work on it. we were also givin the opertonity to sign out one of the Pathways text books.WHY WE DID THIS
I think we got into our novel study groups to talk about thye book because it will help with the social study part of Humanaties. It also is cool because we by reading the book and discusing it together will help us learn about what it was like in that time and place. I think it was also to peak our intressed in the book so we have more fun reading it and by drawing the web it helped us develope stratagies on working with others and web drawing. I think that we completed the work sheet in our blog groups because us deciding as a group what we need to improve on and what we are doing will help us with our blogging skills. Sometimes discusing with a group will help you notice mistakes that you did not see yourself.HOMEWORK
Today our only homework is complete your notes that we were working on in class. In case you are not done yet you can sign out a Pathways text book or come into flex tomorrow.
Flex tomorrow is at eleven twenty in Ms. Lees room if you need extra help. That's all for tonight :p
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Tuesday Oct. 30th Learning Log
Today in class we started off by changing seating arrangements so our tables are in different spots, also some people have moved to different groups. After that we talked about the difference between taking notes and making notes. To sum it up taking notes is, copying notes word for word from text and making notes is creating your own notes from parts of text. We also talked about what "Text" is and what different kinds of text there are. After discussing about that we had to do a worksheet about taking notes and had to do different exercises about notes. For the people that didn't finish their book pass they had to finish them before moving on to the worksheets. Also fr the people that had troubles with the response letters to Woodleighville Ms. Lees helped them out with it.
The reason why we did these note taking and note making comparison's I think is because in the future we will have to know the difference between the two. Also because if Ms.Lees were to ask to make notes about a paragraph we will have to know not to copy it word for word. I think we did the note booklet because these exercises will strengthen our ability of note taking/making.
Today only the people that have not posted their response to the Morris Ward blog have homework and those people have to post it. Other than that there is no homework.
Tomorrow we will be working on our genius hour projects so don't forget your electronics!! That is the only tip I have for you. Also tomorrow is double block humanities after lunch.
Today in class we started off by changing seating arrangements so our tables are in different spots, also some people have moved to different groups. After that we talked about the difference between taking notes and making notes. To sum it up taking notes is, copying notes word for word from text and making notes is creating your own notes from parts of text. We also talked about what "Text" is and what different kinds of text there are. After discussing about that we had to do a worksheet about taking notes and had to do different exercises about notes. For the people that didn't finish their book pass they had to finish them before moving on to the worksheets. Also fr the people that had troubles with the response letters to Woodleighville Ms. Lees helped them out with it.
The reason why we did these note taking and note making comparison's I think is because in the future we will have to know the difference between the two. Also because if Ms.Lees were to ask to make notes about a paragraph we will have to know not to copy it word for word. I think we did the note booklet because these exercises will strengthen our ability of note taking/making.
Today only the people that have not posted their response to the Morris Ward blog have homework and those people have to post it. Other than that there is no homework.
Tomorrow we will be working on our genius hour projects so don't forget your electronics!! That is the only tip I have for you. Also tomorrow is double block humanities after lunch.
Monday, 29 October 2012
Today in class
Today in class Ms. Lees showed us how to send our letters to the class in Austrailia. Before we sent them she had us get into groups of two so we could peer check each others work. Also she reminded us to make shure we change our profile name so that only our first name shows and not our last name. If you want when you share your letter you can add either your individual blog website or the website to your group blog so that the other class can respond. For all the people that were not there on Friday you had to read the first few pages of six books and rate them first on how easy the language was for you. Then you had to rate the book on a scale of one to five. One being I do not want to read this and five being I can't wait to read this book!! Wth both of theese ratings you had to describe why you chose those them
Learning Intentions:
I really belive that having another person in our class reading and correcting my work will really help me as a writer. From the feedback I will be able to see someone elses point of view of my work. I also like helping others correct their work because I know that positive feedback and helping with corrections will really help them and so they can hopefully improve as an author.
Homework and tips:
There is no homework tonight unless you have not completed your book ratings. Also make shure you are within your deadlines for your genious hour project. Have a great night!! :)
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Some really great effort here! Awesome start to learning blogs!
Your learning blogs are very thoughtful and offer some good ideas. Most of you are also expanding them into short paragraphs and this is one of our goals. I will share and discuss some in class from each group.
Next steps for this group will be to start commenting.
Next steps for this group will be to start commenting.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
What We Learned Today
Today, we had a double-block of Humanities after lunch was over. The first block, Ms. Lees came with the brand-new MacBook Pros so that we could review our learning intentions for our letters to Ms. Morris' class in Australia. But, since the cart was new as well, we couldn't get it open to get the laptops out. So, Ms. Lees went to go get someone with a hammer and meanwhile, we managed to get the cart open by ouselves! Anyways, we continued on to the editing of our responses, where we got into groups of two and gave eachother feedback. We continued on with that until break time.
Block two, we moved on to our genius hour projects. Ms. Lees gave us back our proposals for our plan, along with some encouraging and useful feedback. We then worked on our genius hour project until the end of the block, and after a very productive class, we all went home.
On our first block, the reason that Ms. Lees made us proof-read and check over eachothers' letters was so that we can give eachother feedback. For example, say one person put their letter up for their partner to read. The partner would then read it, and (in a positive way, while still being able to correct that person's mistakes) would then give them their feedback, and things they could fix in their letter. By getting feedback from another perspective, particularily from someone who has never read your article, it would be just like any other person reading the article for the first time, and so they can immediatly point out the flaws that the writer might not have seen.
I stongly believe that having others proofread my articles or any of my other work in any other class will help me become a better author, help me improve on my work from the feedback given to me, and help me observe how others think while reading my articles. It will also teach me (along the way) how to help others in the same way. I also believe that this is a strong skill that i can use in all my classes.
We won't have Humanities class tomorrow due to the fact that it's another double block day, and we all have a double block of our 4th and 2nd period classes. Despite that fact, we weren't given homework anyways! As of now, everyone should have completed their letters to Ms. Morris' class in Australia, and saved it sucessfully to their own google drive under documents. Also, work on your genius hours!!!! It's not a good idea to rush everything and complete it last minute! Remember, everyone has their own deadlines depending on the project!
That's all for today :)
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
What we learned Today
Today, Ms. Lees booked the libary for our class. Since the "Mike Cyclone" was not found in the Morris Ward site, she went over it with us today. Also on a smartboard, she reviewed some of the extra informations about the incidents in the Morris Ward in her e-mail, where all the issues in Morris Ward was all grouped together sent by Ms Morris. Then she explained to us that we were going to write a letter to the residents of Morris Ward about one of the four incidents they had, CCTV, Mike Cyclone, Riot, and the WOLI Supermarket. We were supposed to express our thoughts, opinions and share our feelings to them in our letters. We were told to offer suggestions, disagree and agree to their arguments and thoughts about the issue. Also, encourage some of the arguments thoroughly and explain why you think that. If you relate the letter with your life in a particular way, it can make alot of sense to the reader, too. She told us that it would be more helpful if we went on her blog to go on this site, which explains and describes how to write good letters. After giving us all these details about how to write the letters, we were sent to the computers in the library to start writing our letters. Then after that it was all work block. When it was time to switch class, Ms Lees' final instructions were to finish the letters. We saved our documents to our Google Drive and finished the class.
The reason Ms Lees told us to write letters was probably because she wanted to see our persuasive writing skills, how creative our persuasions are, how thoughtful we can be, e.t.c. I think this is helpful for us. It builds up our skills of creativity writing and persuasive writing. In my opinion, I think those two kinds of writing really help us improve our writings. When an argument breaks out, we can use these types of writing skills to control the situation by making the arguers understand your way of thinking by smoothly persuading them to not fight and softly giving them your reason. These writings can be very helpful in our own ways! Also, we had a special Flex about choosing clubs but no one came. That's too bad. Through clubs, you guys could've had much more fun in highschool! Well It's not too late, you can always come to flex and ask her about clubs. In our letters, I think Ms Lees also wanted us to know something that happenes outside Canada and she wanted to see how good our researching skills are, too. If we research well, these letter writing will be no problem! Easy Peasy! When she told us to save our files to our google docs, it was because so we don't have to start all over again at home. If you forget what you were writing about, just download your uncompleted letter to your competer and Whoosh! Memories back!
Personally, I had a trouble writing the lettter first, but after researching some more imformations and reading some newspaper articles, it really helped me alot! I think that our respons letters should not go too far into disagreeing their arguments. It might offend them alot. Today's class was pretty good. I loved working in peace in the library without any distractions. It refreshed my brain and soon, I began typing faster and faster. Also, when I got stuck I asked people around me about some parts and I got the answers by them as well. Your peers are always helpful! In our letters, we should really check over our work for wrong grammers and spelling. You want your work to be perfect right? You want to make the people in Morris Ward think that we are suuuuuper smart.
Today's homework was to go home and finish your letter response. The letter is about you responding to the people in Morris Ward about the 4 incidents that happened. Afterwards, your work should be saved on your google docs.
The Incidents
-CCTV Cameras
-WOLI Supermarket
-Mike Cyclone
Go to Ms Lees' blog and check out the sites she gave us to help us write letters better! Try to make your work be perfect as possible. No spelling or grammer errors. Also, if you need extra help, contact your friends or ask your parents. Better, GET BOOKS!
Monday, 22 October 2012
Learning Blog Post
Summary of the day's lesson/activities.
Today in class we discussed issues with the blog and how we can learn how to work with it with more ease. After, we talked about the responses we're going to make with the class in Australia, and what to prepare for so we can respond thoroughly and be prepared. Then we proceeded on to discuss the confusion with students wanting to join clubs and how Ms.Lees will allow students to come tomorrow at lunch for flex to decide groups that would be suitable for that person in particular. Subsequently, we discussed the criteria for the group blogs through the class blog and how we should manage and decide who posts when (which later dragged on further, but before that) shortly after, 2 representatives for the Student Council came in and talked about the 5 Days of Fire which will occur next week (just in case you don't know, our colour is BLUE). Finally, at the end of the class, we handed in our work we had done previously, basically everything we had left in our binders that we were supposed to hand in (including August Heat foreshadowing clues, questions for Open Window, August Heat questions, your-choice-short-story, etc).
Learning Intentions
We did [the above paragraph] so that we will understand what we will be doing further on in class and in school. We discussed the Australia knowledge that was necessary to know so we could respond tomorrow (Tuesday) to the class in Australia. It is important for students to join clubs because these can earn us credits and help our resumé for future references, so Ms.Lees just wants us to have an easier time in high school and aid us in any way possible. If we hadn't communicated about blog issues we probably wouldn't be too fond of them and wouldn't be able to use them properly. The 5 Days of Fire representatives that came in were also helpful, otherwise we wouldn't know our colours and what to do for the week. And when we handed in our work at the end of class, if we didn't, we'd probably all forget to for the future and the work will never get handed in.
I believe what we discussed in class today was important, because I personally had a few issues with the blog and how to use it. Also, our conversations about clubs was fairly important because I believe that we should join at least 2 clubs per year. I'm also glad we talked about the facts we need to know for the Australia response because I don't think I'm too up to date with what's happening in other countries that won't affect me.
Homework Reminders
Our homework for today was to read about the topics for the Australia response. These include:
-Recovering from Cyclone Mike
-Rioting recovery
-Should we install CCTV cameras
-Do we want a WOLDI superstore
Today in class we discussed issues with the blog and how we can learn how to work with it with more ease. After, we talked about the responses we're going to make with the class in Australia, and what to prepare for so we can respond thoroughly and be prepared. Then we proceeded on to discuss the confusion with students wanting to join clubs and how Ms.Lees will allow students to come tomorrow at lunch for flex to decide groups that would be suitable for that person in particular. Subsequently, we discussed the criteria for the group blogs through the class blog and how we should manage and decide who posts when (which later dragged on further, but before that) shortly after, 2 representatives for the Student Council came in and talked about the 5 Days of Fire which will occur next week (just in case you don't know, our colour is BLUE). Finally, at the end of the class, we handed in our work we had done previously, basically everything we had left in our binders that we were supposed to hand in (including August Heat foreshadowing clues, questions for Open Window, August Heat questions, your-choice-short-story, etc).
Learning Intentions
We did [the above paragraph] so that we will understand what we will be doing further on in class and in school. We discussed the Australia knowledge that was necessary to know so we could respond tomorrow (Tuesday) to the class in Australia. It is important for students to join clubs because these can earn us credits and help our resumé for future references, so Ms.Lees just wants us to have an easier time in high school and aid us in any way possible. If we hadn't communicated about blog issues we probably wouldn't be too fond of them and wouldn't be able to use them properly. The 5 Days of Fire representatives that came in were also helpful, otherwise we wouldn't know our colours and what to do for the week. And when we handed in our work at the end of class, if we didn't, we'd probably all forget to for the future and the work will never get handed in.
I believe what we discussed in class today was important, because I personally had a few issues with the blog and how to use it. Also, our conversations about clubs was fairly important because I believe that we should join at least 2 clubs per year. I'm also glad we talked about the facts we need to know for the Australia response because I don't think I'm too up to date with what's happening in other countries that won't affect me.
Homework Reminders
Our homework for today was to read about the topics for the Australia response. These include:
-Recovering from Cyclone Mike
-Rioting recovery
-Should we install CCTV cameras
-Do we want a WOLDI superstore
We should read articles in various newspapers as we will be writing to the editor about these issues.
Homework Tips
We should read various local newpapers like Vancouver Sun, Surrey Now, Surrey Leader, The Globe and Mail, whatever we can find. Try to find articles that relate to any of the topics that we will need to respond to, to get a general background knowledge.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Wow! This is completely amazing for a man to jump from a super high summit. I was completely stunned when i heard about this. This man is truly amazing and brave. He is certainly in attention now.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Personally, I found that story interesting. I have to
commend him for his bravery to jump off from a height of 24 MILES high! I don’t
even really like jumping off from a height of 24 feet! At first, it appeared he
hesitated at first, due to the weight of the 100 pound suit or fear of jumping,
I don’t know. But even so, it’d be fairy unnatural for one to be so calm in a
situation like this. After such a sensation of falling, if one asked him again,
I wonder what his views of jumping off a [certain height] would be. Does he now
have a sensation of wanting to feel that happen again? Or is he glad that it’s
It’s not just a matter of guts and will, but a matter of
knowing the potential dangers that could occur during the jump. If his
spacesuit had ripped during the jump, it would only be a matter of seconds
before his body would be penetrated through the heat of the speed of his fall.
What if he didn't travel fast enough and his oxygen ran out? What if he didn't break the sound barrier? There were a lot of possibilities that could have
happened to him, many fatal. When he landed, I thought he would fall over or
such due to the shock or loss of sensation in his legs, or amazement. But he
still landed properly, despite the 24 mile fall.
It’s people like him who inspire the people of today, so he
should be proud. Everything he did was
commendable. I also found it interesting how he fell like a solid block, all
tense. You can probably imagine all the grueling training he went through in
order to maintain that position while falling at a speed of 800 miles an hour. All in all, at least he didn't have acrophobia.
Space Jump Response
At the beginning of the Space Jump video, i was asking myself a lot of questions, some of which were answered later in the video....First off, why was this man (Felix Baumgartner) doing this jump in the first place? How fast would he be going on the way down, and how long would it take him to land? How would he manage to land? It was definetly a safety risk, and the chances of him dying on the way down were highly likely. But, then again, there are not too many people out there who would have the guts to free fall from the edge of the earth, possibly plummeting to their death. I could not believe that someone actually did this and survived. This must be a major accomplishment on every level, and he even broke a world record while doing it! Even though this was an extremely dangerous stunt, and a gutsy move, he accomplished it with ease (although with a little hesitation before the jump) and landed softly. I strongly applaud this man for accomplishing such a task!!!!!!!
space jump response
This guy is crazy!! That’s all I was thinking while he jumped. I mean, like who is that crazy to free fall from the edge of the earth. I have to give Felix a lot of props for having the guts to do that jump, it was probably the scariest thing he has ever done and the scariest thing he will ever do! I wonder if he would ever do it again. I know, I wouldn’t even think of doing that. This is probably one of the bravest guys ever, there are so many things that could’ve gone wrong which could’ve caused death but he overcame those fears and made the jump. I could tell he was a bit nervous in the ship because he hesitated a couple times but he kept moving on, who wouldn’t hesitate. This man is a pretty amazing guy and he should be proud of himself and everyone should be proud him too.
Humanities, Space Jump Response!
Space Jump Response
Wow! That was such an amazing dive! Before he jumped, I could tell that he was very anxious and scared. Well if that was me, I would have chickened out right away. That man even broke the sound barrier! His diving speed was over 10 minutes long and he went more than 1000Km/h! That was so awesome.
I think that man was really brave to do that. First of all, he had to go through the enormous amount of fears. His Suit might rip open and he would die in burning heat. His oxygen breathing system could have gone wrong and he might have suffocated, and hundreds of other things. His percentage of dying in this dive was more than 50%! Yet he dared to do this humongous dive! Oh man, just looking at him made me feel nervous and scared. When he actually landed safely, I couldn’t believe it! This brave man survived that dive! When he reached the land and safety, I bet you he was thanking everything because he didn’t die and landed safely.
I feel really good for that guy from Red Bull. He actually broke a sound barrier in his 10 minute epic dive! He even landed safely without getting hurt. Since he didn’t die, I feel good for him. Now he’s going to be really famous throughout the world! Well for someone that risked his life to jump from outer space, I feel great that he lived and no tragedy happened. I love happy endings, but I hate bad endings. I am proud of that man for accomplishing his mission and not dying.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Well here is the grade 8 Humanities Group Site! For those of you who want to be administrators too, leave a reply please. Anyways, if you guys haven't received an invitation, also leave a reply please. Thank you.
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