Today, we had a substitude because Ms Lees wasn't here. Today was a very relaxing class for me because we watched a movie about The Crusades and The Middle Ages. We watched it for the whole block and all of us took notes on the movie, something interesting about it and about something we have never known before. But we didn't get to finish the movie. It was getting pretty exciting when we had to change blocks. Too bad so sad.
Learning Intentions
We watched a movie, but it wasn't a normal movie, it was a movie about The Middle Ages which is related to our PATHWAYS history textbook. I think Ms Lees wanted us to watch that particular movie so we could find out more facts about the middle ages. But I think she wanted to give us a "resting block" at the same time. Also, the notes that we took had some very interesting facts in it about the middle ages. We could use the notes for further references as well.
From watching the movie, I learned bunch of things about the middle Ages. How there were Castles, Palaces, and even small villages in one empire. Also, since the movie had King Arthur in it, the round table with all the knights were interesting to me. Their different types of armors, shields, swords, helmets,... even their horses had armors, too!
Homework Reminders
We need to work on our Genius Hours and we have to finish our peer review feedback. Read your novels if you haven't already. HACE must be finished today. Respond to our Australian blogging buddies and BRING 4 1 L MILK JUGS ON MONDAY. See Ms Lees Blog for details.
Homework Tips
If you need help on any of your homeworks, you can always go to Ms Lees' Blog and comment on the posts there.
Some very good connections made here Jun - some are a little vague. I like the specific examples from the movie (eg. armour for the horses, how society was structured into towns and villages). I am glad you are enjoying the movie as we will finish it on Monday. As for the "resting block" hopefully it was a break for the class but look at the thinking you were doing - not too "restful" :)