
Wednesday, 24 October 2012

What We Learned Today


Today, we had a double-block of Humanities after lunch was over. The first block, Ms. Lees came with the brand-new MacBook Pros so that we could review our learning intentions for our letters to Ms. Morris' class in Australia. But, since the cart was new as well, we couldn't get it open to get the laptops out. So, Ms. Lees went to go get someone with a hammer and meanwhile, we managed to get the cart open by ouselves! Anyways, we continued on to the editing of our responses, where we got into groups of two and gave eachother feedback. We continued on with that until break time.

Block two, we moved on to our genius hour projects. Ms. Lees gave us back our proposals for our plan, along with some encouraging and useful feedback. We then worked on our genius hour project until the end of the block, and after a very productive class, we all went home.


On our first block, the reason that Ms. Lees made us proof-read and check over eachothers' letters was so that we can give eachother feedback. For example, say one person put their letter up for their partner to read. The partner would then read it, and (in a positive way, while still being able to correct that person's mistakes) would then give them their feedback, and things they could fix in their letter. By getting feedback from another perspective, particularily from someone who has never read your article, it would be just like any other person reading the article for the first time, and so they can immediatly point out the flaws that the writer might not have seen. 


I stongly believe that having others proofread my articles or any of my other work in any other class will help me become a better author, help me improve on my work from the feedback given to me, and help me observe how others think while reading my articles. It will also teach me (along the way) how to help others in the same way. I also believe that this is a strong skill that i can use in all my classes.


We won't have Humanities class tomorrow due to the fact that it's another double block day, and we all have a double block of our 4th and 2nd period classes. Despite that fact, we weren't given homework anyways! As of now, everyone should have completed their letters to Ms. Morris' class in Australia, and saved it sucessfully to their own google drive under documents. Also, work on your genius hours!!!! It's not a good idea to rush everything and complete it last minute! Remember, everyone has their own deadlines depending on the project!

That's all for today :)

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