
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Speech Draft

Brendan Yip

Speech Rough  Draft
It’s seven o’clock in the morning and you’re dragging yourself out of bed, so tired and not being able to think straight.  You struggle to get up but force yourself so you can be ready in time for school at 8:10. After getting up you go to the bathroom, you are very tired and you aren’t paying attention so you stub your toe on your door and scream in pain only to wake your parents up.  Then they start yelling at you for being so loud and now they are grumpy for the rest of the day.  After finally getting downstairs you realize it’s already 7:45 and you’re rushing to eat your cereal for breakfast.  You’re still tired and don’t realize that you’re pouring the milk on the counter and not in your bowl.  Then you start cleaning up but right before you finish cleaning up your parents walk down and yell at you again, they are furious!  After finally finishing your breakfast you look at the clock and see it’s already 8!  You sprint out the door, but halfway up the street you remember that you forgot your assignment that’s due first thing in the morning, so you run back grab your homework and run back down the street with only two minutes to get to school. After the fastest sprint possible you end up late for school. This probably happens to a lot of people every morning because of how early school starts. That is why I’m going to talk about why I think school should start later.

A later start for school would be awesome! I love to sleep and a later start would give me more time to sleep and more time to get ready. A big thing to having school start later would be when kids are tired they don’t want to do work and they don’t think straight oppose to when they are awake. Kids and teens are a lot more productive when they are awake and not tired. I know this from experience because when I’m tired I don’t want to do anything except sleep. I’m sure all of you are the same and don’t feel like doing anything when you are tired. So if school starts later kids can start getting more sleep and being more productive at school, which also means better marks for their subjects. This will also mean that us teens won’t be grumpy which means it will be easier on the teachers. Another good thing would be that kids wouldn’t have excuses for being late like saying they slept in or they didn’t have time to get ready because they will have enough time in the morning. I think the biggest problem would be for everyone that has activities outside of school like sports and clubs, but the solution to this would be to have these activities start later. A good time to start school would 10:15 until 4:00 with a shorter lunch hour so we would still get the same hours of education, with just a later start. Also, this will still give us time to do things that we want after school.

Just imagine a peaceful morning with no rushing and not being tired for the whole day. Being able to take your time to eat and get ready, it would be great! Nobody would be complaining about being tired and nobody would fall asleep in class. This is a fool-proof plan and I think it could just work, it’s a win- win situation for students and teachers. So everyone think about it, we could make it work!


  1. Peer response

    I really like your topic because I can relate to it 100% what you did well is that you provided a solution to this all to common issue of sleeping in. You also did a good job convincing the audience that if you are tired you won't he your best in class. However your introduction is a little too long. By the time I was halfway through I had found myself bored and don't want to continue. Also I found later on in the speech that you were a bit repetitive with your words and information. Finally the only other thing you should add is a conclusion. The speech ended a bit abruptly. Other than the little issues I really like you speech!

  2. Your topic is really interesting and your audience can relate to it. You did a great job persuading us but I find your introduction too long. Also you should make adjustments to your conclusion. Other than that, your speech was really awesome.
