
Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Driving: 16 or 18?

NOTE: I am still indecisive on topics, and I shall choose from the 2 I have narrowed it down to after I write both my drafts. The second draft shall be posted tomorrow. For now, I will be sharing with you the one that I have the most information on, as well as a completed outline.
This is a draft, and just pointing out that I did not do any research yet, I am hoping to do that in my good copy, as well as other clever attributes we learned from the video. Thank you :)

A loved one, carried in on a stretcher from the scene of the accident is pronounced dead. It could be your friend, your sister, brother, girlfriend, boyfriend, cousin, and the list can go on and on. This is already bad enough, but can you inagine this happening in real life to 5000 people each year? Before you jump to any negative conclusions, I would like to inform you that teenage car accidents are the leading cause of death in North America. So the question I have for you is: are young drivers a community hazard?

A Community Hazard?
16 years old. That is the age when you are qualified to apply for your drivers liscense. It is a milestone in every child's life to one day inherit their dad's old beater and have a little taste of freedom that they will long for in their teenage years, much like we do now. But is 16 too soon?
(Add more statistics and info)

It's just like that saying: "No dad ever wants to see his little girl grow up". This is a very big step for someone of such little maturity to handle. They will not be as "seasoned" as say, a 30 year old trying for their liscense. These teenagers will get careless and not take it seriously (unlike a more mature and professional adult), and instead, overcome with the idea of having a car, and that little taste of freedom they're yearning for. Being so careless could lead to not bucking up the seatbelt, talking on the phone while driving, even maybe drunk driving (which is againt the law but...) etc. Potentially, these will result in car accidents, and severe injury, and quite possibly, death.
 But, is 18 any better?

Driving at 16 and 18: A Comparison
Even though I have mentioned the (assumed) bad sides to driving at the age of 16, I have not gone over driving at 18.
The question is, is 18 really that much more mature than 16? The answer is no, not really. But, 18 years old is the age that high school is finished, and university follows. The teenagers start becoming more work-oriented and focus on their goals in life, become more ambitious, and more adult-like (thinking like adults). But,
1. What would they do when they have their L?
Since they would be out of their parent's home, it is much less likely to have a parent around to supervise their child when driving. On the other hand, at 16, the teenager is still living at home, and the parent will be more likely to hang around and help their kid with their driving skills.
2. How would having an L affect the teenager's daily life?
Since now the teenager is more grown up, and university-bound, they are starting to develop lives of their own, so they won't be needing a parent to look after them and their driving all the time. For example, if they are going to an out-of-town party, they wouldn't want a parent to come pick them up, most likely drunk, in mom's old minivan at 2 o'clock in the morning.

So, even though learning to drive at 16 may not be what's best for the community, it's better to learn then, than to learn at the hardest of times, when you're just trying to pick up the pieces of your past high school life, and put them together to create a new life for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your topic it is very detailed and interesting. It is so true that 16 year olds can be very immature and un cautious while driving. There are far too many teenagers dying in a car accident because they were trying to be cool in their new car and not paying attention to the road and the speed limit. I also agree that 18 is too old to get their liscense because they are way more independent and cant have they're parents oicking them up from work or a party. What I think you need to improve on is adding more detail to the part where you talk about driving at 18 because i got a little confused because you were not very specific. Other than that i love your speech!
