
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Speech Draft

Brendan Yip

Speech Rough  Draft
It’s seven o’clock in the morning and you’re dragging yourself out of bed, so tired and not being able to think straight.  You struggle to get up but force yourself so you can be ready in time for school at 8:10. After getting up you go to the bathroom, you are very tired and you aren’t paying attention so you stub your toe on your door and scream in pain only to wake your parents up.  Then they start yelling at you for being so loud and now they are grumpy for the rest of the day.  After finally getting downstairs you realize it’s already 7:45 and you’re rushing to eat your cereal for breakfast.  You’re still tired and don’t realize that you’re pouring the milk on the counter and not in your bowl.  Then you start cleaning up but right before you finish cleaning up your parents walk down and yell at you again, they are furious!  After finally finishing your breakfast you look at the clock and see it’s already 8!  You sprint out the door, but halfway up the street you remember that you forgot your assignment that’s due first thing in the morning, so you run back grab your homework and run back down the street with only two minutes to get to school. After the fastest sprint possible you end up late for school. This probably happens to a lot of people every morning because of how early school starts. That is why I’m going to talk about why I think school should start later.

A later start for school would be awesome! I love to sleep and a later start would give me more time to sleep and more time to get ready. A big thing to having school start later would be when kids are tired they don’t want to do work and they don’t think straight oppose to when they are awake. Kids and teens are a lot more productive when they are awake and not tired. I know this from experience because when I’m tired I don’t want to do anything except sleep. I’m sure all of you are the same and don’t feel like doing anything when you are tired. So if school starts later kids can start getting more sleep and being more productive at school, which also means better marks for their subjects. This will also mean that us teens won’t be grumpy which means it will be easier on the teachers. Another good thing would be that kids wouldn’t have excuses for being late like saying they slept in or they didn’t have time to get ready because they will have enough time in the morning. I think the biggest problem would be for everyone that has activities outside of school like sports and clubs, but the solution to this would be to have these activities start later. A good time to start school would 10:15 until 4:00 with a shorter lunch hour so we would still get the same hours of education, with just a later start. Also, this will still give us time to do things that we want after school.

Just imagine a peaceful morning with no rushing and not being tired for the whole day. Being able to take your time to eat and get ready, it would be great! Nobody would be complaining about being tired and nobody would fall asleep in class. This is a fool-proof plan and I think it could just work, it’s a win- win situation for students and teachers. So everyone think about it, we could make it work!

Kasey's Speech draft!

                                THE SPORK!!!!

Imagine, you're opening a huge can of Chunky's chili. However, you lost. Confused. Should I use a spoon? Or a fork? Ladies and gentleman, there is a solution! We can put an end to all this madness. Everybody put you hands together for the spork! You are going to learn about the history and usefulness of the spork. it's greatness will no longer be overlooked.

The story started in 1907 when a man named Samuel W. Francis had an idea for a cutting spoon. He was over taken with the possibility of a better utensil. At last he thought! I will call it a spork. It was not long before the word of the spork had spread throughout the United States of America.

Ladies and gentleman, think how useful a spork could be? It has the convenience of a spoon and quality of the fork. Just think, you could scoop and stab you food at the same time! Using the spork will also saves resources and money. Instead of companies making both spoons and forks they will only have to make sporks. Finally, think of the children. No more unneeded fork related injuries the spork is much safer with it's rounded edges and smaller points. This is our time! Time for the spork!

In conclusion, the spork is useful, convenient, saves resources, is safer for our children and as I like to say "it's not what you can do for the spork. It's what the spork can do for you!" So, next time you are opening a huge can of chunky's chili, don't say spoon or fork. Say spork!

The Independant Project - Response

              It is great to see students organizing themselves to create a school on their own. What I love from that is that even students who are doing bad in academic courses can find their interest and actually go to University with that. As I watched this video, I thought that students who were doing bad in academic courses weren't stupid, they just had interests in other things. The Independant Project is perfect for those students. The students can help each other learn and study more about their interests and become really good at it. They can actually go to university by just studying about their interests. Also, the students are collaborating with each other by themselves and it shows that they are actually really trying to learn and do well on what they are interested in. One of the students in the video noticed that in his presentation, he was lacking some things. So he researched and studied and perfected his presentation by getting help from his peers. He didn't give up but presented again because he actually wanted to learn something. There was also this guy who was at the age of going to university but couldn't, because he lacked in academic courses. So he found out that he was interested in music and practiced for 3 years on playing piano. He actually managed to go to university by doing this. I think Independant Project is more for older and responsible students because in this program, you are on your own, you actually have to try to learn something and get supported by your peers as well, to learn everything of a certain thing that interests you.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Driving: 16 or 18?

NOTE: I am still indecisive on topics, and I shall choose from the 2 I have narrowed it down to after I write both my drafts. The second draft shall be posted tomorrow. For now, I will be sharing with you the one that I have the most information on, as well as a completed outline.
This is a draft, and just pointing out that I did not do any research yet, I am hoping to do that in my good copy, as well as other clever attributes we learned from the video. Thank you :)

A loved one, carried in on a stretcher from the scene of the accident is pronounced dead. It could be your friend, your sister, brother, girlfriend, boyfriend, cousin, and the list can go on and on. This is already bad enough, but can you inagine this happening in real life to 5000 people each year? Before you jump to any negative conclusions, I would like to inform you that teenage car accidents are the leading cause of death in North America. So the question I have for you is: are young drivers a community hazard?

A Community Hazard?
16 years old. That is the age when you are qualified to apply for your drivers liscense. It is a milestone in every child's life to one day inherit their dad's old beater and have a little taste of freedom that they will long for in their teenage years, much like we do now. But is 16 too soon?
(Add more statistics and info)

It's just like that saying: "No dad ever wants to see his little girl grow up". This is a very big step for someone of such little maturity to handle. They will not be as "seasoned" as say, a 30 year old trying for their liscense. These teenagers will get careless and not take it seriously (unlike a more mature and professional adult), and instead, overcome with the idea of having a car, and that little taste of freedom they're yearning for. Being so careless could lead to not bucking up the seatbelt, talking on the phone while driving, even maybe drunk driving (which is againt the law but...) etc. Potentially, these will result in car accidents, and severe injury, and quite possibly, death.
 But, is 18 any better?

Driving at 16 and 18: A Comparison
Even though I have mentioned the (assumed) bad sides to driving at the age of 16, I have not gone over driving at 18.
The question is, is 18 really that much more mature than 16? The answer is no, not really. But, 18 years old is the age that high school is finished, and university follows. The teenagers start becoming more work-oriented and focus on their goals in life, become more ambitious, and more adult-like (thinking like adults). But,
1. What would they do when they have their L?
Since they would be out of their parent's home, it is much less likely to have a parent around to supervise their child when driving. On the other hand, at 16, the teenager is still living at home, and the parent will be more likely to hang around and help their kid with their driving skills.
2. How would having an L affect the teenager's daily life?
Since now the teenager is more grown up, and university-bound, they are starting to develop lives of their own, so they won't be needing a parent to look after them and their driving all the time. For example, if they are going to an out-of-town party, they wouldn't want a parent to come pick them up, most likely drunk, in mom's old minivan at 2 o'clock in the morning.

So, even though learning to drive at 16 may not be what's best for the community, it's better to learn then, than to learn at the hardest of times, when you're just trying to pick up the pieces of your past high school life, and put them together to create a new life for yourself.

Global Warming

Have you heard about that Polar Bears are becoming extinct? Have you you heard about the shrinkage of sea ice? These are some of the effects of global warming. Global warming is one of the top crises according to World Leaders.

 There two types or kinds of causes for global warming: human activity and natural causes.One natural cause of global warming is the methane gas release from Arctic tundra, and wetlands. Methane is a green house gas and greenhouse gases traps heat from the the earth's surface.  Some human activity are pollution, and population. Pollution is one of the largest man-made problems that is causes  burnings of fossil fuels. When fossil fuel are burned, a type of greenhouse gas  is sent into the air that includes methane. Population has been also a cause of global warming because more people means more methods of transportation. This will include more methane and agriculture.

Global warming has been causing climate changes. Climate changes might cause rising sea levels, and glaciers to melt. Sea ice has decreased 10 percent over these years. Also animals or species including polar bears, pandas, and the hamster like pika that are struggling to adapt to the climate changes will face  extinction if people do not try to stop global warming.

You can help stop or prevent global warming by conserving energy by starting to use compact fluorescent light bulbs. You also only drive your car only few miles or walking more often to prevent pollution, one of the causes of global warming.

Why leaders should fight the War

Wounded soldiers screaming in pain. Horrible sounds of shooting and explosions ripping across the blood red sky. War. A 3-letter word that brings back all the painful memories and deaths of brave soldiers. Where children’s peaceful playground turns to bloody chaotic battlefield. Instead of all this happening, why can't the leaders of countries fight instead of millions of soldiers?

After the World War 2, many people suffered due to their family members’ deaths in the war. The wives of dead husbands became poor widows. Children with dead fathers had a hard time living with only a mother to earn money and go to work. What do you think they had to go through? How much do you think they suffered in their life, missing their fathers? Do you think they deserved to live a hard life like that?

Over 60 million people died in World War 2. That is about 2.5% of this entire world’s population. Wow! But why did these brave soldiers have to fight? I mean, if the leaders of each countries are just going to announce the war and stay back while they send their armies of soldiers to battlefield, what is the point of even having a war? The leaders should be the ones to fight. The only ones who should fight in a war are the leaders of the countries.

Even when the United Nations won the World War II, what did it cost them? A graveyard full of millions and millions of dead soldiers. If you look at it from my view, war is just like 2 baby brothers fighting over a toy, except that these kids are both as big as T-Rex and cause massive destruction at their home as they fight. Even if one of those kids win the fight, is having the toy worth it to see his bruised brother crying and their destroyed home? And the biggest problem, how can the baby boy get away from his mother’s angry eyes? As Bertrand Russell had once said, " War does not determine who is right - only who is left." No one victories in war.

I sure hope, that instead of World War III happening, leaders of countries sort out their problem well instead of causing many bloodshed and destruction.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Digital Life Response

I agree with the ideas suggested in this video 100%:

Although i was not alive before there was such thing as the internet, i have seen pictures and movies where they used other methods to acquire their information (books, direct info, encyclopedias, etc.). Instead of going on the computer to search something up on the internet (search engines), they used applications like spreadsheets, word processing, and of course, games.

Since back then they didn't have the internet, there was no such thing as an online personality. Nowadays, everyone tweets out their every thought on Facebook or Twitter, or posts a new picture on instagram, and hastags it to get likes from strangers. Basically, since we're posting all these things about ourselves, we construct our lives even further on the internet which in a way, is good because we're expressing our individuality and personality, but on the other hand, we need to ask ourselves:
When is it too much? We are no longer enjoying life. Instead, we are tweeting, posting and blogging about every aspect of our daily lives that we aren't taking in and treasuring every moment. These are the points that I interpreted from the video.

 The bad news is the internet has captured most of us. The people who remember times before this frenzy have also been sucked into this worldwide black hole with no way out. Do they even still remember what times were like before all this? What would the world do without the world wide web? All very good questions...

Here are what computers used to look like around 20 years ago:

Since the invention of the internet, us, the consumers, have been avid users. But what about the people who weren't around before this? People like me, the children and young adults. Now, when a child is born, straight from birth, they will grow accustomed to the joys of using the internet from an early age. For all the parents, is it safe to let your child play around on the internet at such a young age? I have witnessed 3 year olds playing angry birds on their own brand-new ipad, and 10 year olds chatting on their facebook account. I say that they are missing out on the joys of childhood! And i believe the parents are to blame. The children see the parents using the internet, and they want a piece of the action too. It's only a matter of time until the kids get sucked into the black hole as well.

Our race is increasingly becoming lazier and lazier. Instead of facebook chatting, what about a phone call? Or reading a book instead of playing COD? Maybe looking for information on a certain topic in a book or an encyclopedia? Searching up on the internet may be unsatisfying because all the information is already somewhere on the web. All you have to do is type in what you're looking for, and POOF! There it is! *Cue copy and paste* This also leads to another problem: Plagiarizing.

So, i strongly reccomend to all of the users of the world wide web that we try to incorporate other methods of doing the same things that we do on the internet into our daily lives, and that we try to take in life a little more.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Response to video!

In this video a teacher from Hawaii talked about how advanced our technology is these days that all we have to do is re search something and have answers in less than a second. For example you can look up placed to eat and when you find one you like you just type in the adress in your GPS and have instant directions. What's cool about the internet is that you can communicate with anyone from around the world for free! I do agree that all this technology has created issues like cyber bullying and pedophiles that can stock your facebook. However there are many good things about the internet. For example you can mystery Skype classes in other parts of the world, re search a country for your school project without spending hours in a library and even watch music video's! what I liked about The video is that the teacher was very creative on getting the attention of kids our age by creating a parody  of a song. What I didn't like about the video was that it was really weird and repetitive. In conclusion I do agree with this teacher but I also think that there are many pros about the internet.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Tech Video Response

      This video was very true, our day and age has changed a lot with all the technology now.  I think there are pros and cons to all the technology that we have.  There are many pros with the new technologies and to me and also everyone else, I think the social network is the biggest step in technology.  Everybody can stay in touch with friends that they don't talk to as much or maybe family that live in another country.  Another big thing with technology are electronic devices, these things help us do things faster and more conveniently, like right now instead of turning on my computer and waiting for it to start I got my Ipod and watched the video and the wrote this response on it, which is a lot easier.  A few other things that has made our world easier, like they said in the song are the GPS and the apps that help you find restaurants, before you had to use maps and go onto your computer to search for the restaurant.  Along with good things there is always bad things to go along with it.  The biggest thing is cyberbullying. Before all of the social networks people couldn't hide behind the keyboard to bully someone, they had to do it face to face. Also these social networks have created a lot more people to use slang while they talk and even when they write!  All in all our world is changing into a "techy" place and there's nothing to change that. I think this can be a very good thing if people use it in a good way.
Respose to Digital Learning Video   
The teacher from Hawaii was extemely creative to construct a song about the envolvement of the technology by creating the lyrics to give examples of how did the technology improve. Nowadays the tech for uploading pitures has been improved by creating an app called Instagram. Now we can not only doodle on paper but also on Ipads, Ipods, and Iphones. I totally agree with the video that the technology has improved by coming up with with a GPS that could help you drive and also a phone that could help us find restaurants.Also sometimes, I used apps to edit photos that we couldn't do in the past.          

Reflections of "Digital Life" Video.

            The Digital Life video was interesting for me because in the song, it explained exactly how people changed after the world developed new technologies and also how convenient it was for us. For an example, in the video, few lines in the song said, " Because we're all just nodes connecting me and you, " and, "And now we tweet and blog and hashtag all our thoughts, " these lines are talking about the social networks such as facebook or twitter that were created as our world developed new technology. Another line that shows that our life becoming easier because the new technologies in our world developed is, " GPS to drive my car," and "My phone finds me restaurants and bars," which shows that our world is so much developed that there's a phone that can find restautants and bars and a GPS to drive a car.

            There are positive things about our world's developed technology and negative things about our our world's developed technology. The negative things are that most of the students text during class using their phones and don't pay their attention to class. Also, in social networking, there are so many cyber bullies that hurts people's feelings, finding them on social network and threatening them. This may also lead to suicide, like what happened to Amanda Todd. Unfortunately after many people buy a phone or an ipod, they jailbreak it, which is technically illegal and gain free applications that they were suppose to pay for.

            The positive things about our world's developed technoly is that it makes our life way easier. For an example, when google drive was made, students can save their homework there and if they haven't finished their homework at school, they can finish it at home from where they had left off. It works like a flashdrive.